Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween 2010

3rd Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest with the V's
Last night was our annual pumpkin carving contest.  We all gathered at Mom and Dad V's house for pumpkins, food, and family time.  Here I'm working on my second masterpiece. 
It's picture above.  I usually do just one, but the pumpkins at the pumpkin patch were so Awesome!! I had to get 3.  Which means Paul only got to carve one!!  Pretty sure he didn't mind.

Paul's creation!!

Jen and John are about to be new parents.  Pretty sure she is ready for baby "V" to get here, just like the rest of use.  The anticipation is very intense!!

Tim usually dances around and takes pictures.   Alex and him are dancing in this picture.  

And the WINNER is  Ryan!  For the second year in a row he has won.  

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Baby Shower for baby V

In approximately one month we will meet our new nephew Baby V!!  I am sooo Excited!!  Today we celebrated his upcoming arrival with a baby shower for my sister Jennifer.  I'm pretty sure she had an awesome time.  She received so may nice gifts.  Little baby V is definitely off to a good start.
Little man your Uncle Paul & Auntie April can't wait for you to get here!!

These cupcakes were Delicious and my Sister Michelle's cousin David made them. He operates a catering business out of his house.  He specializes in desserts.  His company is called...  Scratch Catering Services.  You can find him at the same!!  Look him up when planning your next event for any special occasion!!

Making the food prior to guest arrival.  Sister's Michelle, and Lori and Mom.  They are so pretty!!  We had all the fixins... chicken salad sandwiches, veggies and dip, my Famous Pasta Salad (so yummy), and chips.  All the food was delicious and we had a little left over for home.

Grandma Tank (enough said)

A little trivia for the mom to be.  One question: How many loads of laundry does a mommy do in one year?
Answer:  330 (YIKES) that's a lot of cycles!!

I may wash that much now.  LOL

She received a lot of nice things today!  Don't you see her Glow.  She is such a beautiful pregnant woman. 

Caitlyn is so excited to be a Big sister!
What a great day.  I can wait until the day I can hold my new nephew!!!
Hurry and get here, please!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I did a lot of work on the blog today.  There is still much to do, however, I got some of the pages updated.  I also posted a letter to our birth family.  It is a very personal part of us.  We hope all that reads it can feel the love we have for everyone involved in this process.  I'm also excited I figured out how to make a slide show.  We love this new adventure we are embarking on, our family is also very excited!!!